We offer following services for our clients :
Risk Management
TCCN has acquired vast expertise in Risk Management in the transport sector:
Pre-Shipment Surveys & Inspections :
Inspections and surveys of cargoes, vessels, lifting equipment, warehouses etc. to ensure for safe carriage or storage on the intended voyage.

Loading, Lashing and Securing Supervisions :
Loss Prevention Measures :
- Transport recommendations and supervisions of project cargoes, including road surveys
- Working out recommendations concerning the carriage of bonded goods such as cigarettes and alcohol within the port of Antwerp under special bonding exemption regime, in full co-operation with the Belgian Customs Authorities.

Consulting and Advices :
On issues of:
- Marine Insurance Law & Marine Insurance Policies
- Maritime Law and Commercial Law
- Admiralty Law
- Nautical and Technical aspects of the carriage of goods by sea, road and air
- Charter Parties, Bills of Lading…
- Shipbuilding Contracts
- Sale & Purchase of Vessels
- Financing & Mortgage Registration of Vessels