We offer following services for our clients :
Crisis Control / Casualty Management
For over 30 years, the Members of Transport Claims Consultants Network have been involved in Crisis Control Operations, and this on 24/7 basis.
Our Crisis Control Officers are capable of immediate mobilization at very short notice, deployable world-wide.
In particular, we have vast experience in Africa, where we get local support from Master Mariners, Engineers, Cargo Surveyors and Lawyers through our affiliated company Africa Marine Surveys.
These operations consist either of Loss-minimising and Salvage interventions, or Data-collection / reconstruction interventions of major casualties.
All these operations are controlled from our Headquarters in Antwerp, acting as liaison office between the Crisis Control Officer in the casualty area and the clients.
TCCN intervenes in following types of casualties and / or investigations :
Nautical Casualties :
- salvage, groundings, collisions,
- contacts with fixed and floating objects,
- (oil) pollution,
- main engine damage,
- fire, perils of the seas etc.
In these cases, our Master Mariners and / or Legal Advisers will attend on board to advise the Master,
take statements, discuss with Competent Authorities and Salvors and will advise our Principals on potential liabilities, e.g. for wreck removal, pollution clean up costs etc.

Rail & Road Casualties :
- derailments, collisions, overturning of trucks,
- infrastructure accidents & problems,
- (oil) pollution,
- Property damage etc.
In these cases, our Crisis Control Investigators and / or Legal Advisers will attend on the scene to advise the Principals about the facts, causes, circumstances and extent of the damage,
take statements, discuss with Competent Authorities and Intervention Services, and will advise our Principals on the situation and the best possible action to be undertaken.
General Average Situations :
In these cases our Crisis Control Officers will be assisting the Master with the technical aspects of the G.A. (e.g. arranging transhipment of cargo, finding repair yards etc.).
Our Adjusters will perform all necessary paper work, including collecting or posting of the required
G.A. Guarantees, G.A. Bonds & Valuation Forms.
When necessary, joint surveys will be organised with the cargo interests and the G.A. Surveyors to ascertain the contributory value of the cargo.
Major Cargo Claims :
- shift of a full cargo,
- collapse of stow,
- fire on board,
- flooding of the hold,
- rejection of cargo at destination by (Health) Authorities etc.